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ALLA Awards Announcements



ALLA Book Award (now yearly)

The submission deadline is July 1, 2024

The Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists (ALLA) invites submissions for the 2024 ALLA Book Award. The award is for the best book in anthropology published from June 1, 2022 to June 1, 2024 on Latinxs and their communities. Books that are deemed sufficiently anthropological in nature from other disciplines and interdisciplinary fields may also be considered. The committee will judge each entry on the basis of the originality of the research, the quality of the writing, and the importance of the topic for understanding the Latina/o experience in the United States, or in transnational communities linked to the U.S.

Authors receiving the award will be honored at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association during the ALLA business meeting. The book award will also be announced on the ALLA website.

To participate in the competition, please send copies of the book and a cover letter listing the book title, the author’s name and affiliation, to the ALLA Book Awards Committee members at the addresses below by July 1, 2024. If only digital copies of the book are available, please contact the committee. Questions can be directed to the Committee Chair, Dr. Vanessa Díaz vanessa.diaz@lmu.edu. Also on the committee: Dr. Hilario Lomelí hilario.j.lomeli@vanderbilt.edu, Dr. Rebeca Gamez rebeca.gamez-djokic@vanderbilt.edu, and Dr. Lourdes Gutiérrez Nájera gutierl2@wwu.edu

ALLA Book Award Committee- Mailing Addresses

Vanessa Díaz vanessa.diaz@lmu.edu
1 LMU Drive
University Hall, Suite 4414
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Hilario Lomelí hilario.j.lomeli@vanderbilt.edu
111 S 16th Street
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Rebeca Gamez rebeca.gamez-djokic@vanderbilt.edu
Department of Anthropology
Vanderbilt University
VU Station B #356050
2301 Vanderbilt Place
Nashville, TN 37235
Lourdes Gutiérrez Nájera gutierl2@wwu.edu
Associate Professor
Fairhaven College
Western Washington University
516 High Street
Bellingham WA 98225-911

Nuevas Direcciones Award

Nominations and self-nominations are due on August 1, 2024

The award recognizes Latinx anthropological work that expands the boundaries of public anthropology and community engagement including (but not limited to) publications in newspapers or magazines; digital bodies of work; music and/or musical performances; photographic exhibitions; art exhibitions; theatrical or dance performances; podcasts; novel pedagogical practices; activism; and/or films that examine the Latinx experience.  To be eligible the work should illuminate the Latinx experience while basing itself on themes and issues raised in Latinx anthropology. Nominations should include a brief (150 to 250 word) statement about the body of work and relevant supporting documentation (web links, brochures, articles, etc.). Nomination letters and materials are to be sent to: Miguel Díaz-Barriga mdiazbar@richmond.edu, Margaret Dorsey mdorsey@richmond.edu, and Lisa Cuéllar lisa.o.cuellar@gmail.com

Graduate Student Paper Award 

The submission deadline is August 1, 2024

The Association of Latina/o and Latinx Anthropologists (ALLA) invites submissions for the ALLA Graduate Student Paper Award. This award is given for the best original paper that addresses at least one of the following: 1) issues related to US Latinxs and their communities from an anthropological perspective; 2) research conducted by Latinx anthropologists, however defined. The award is open to individuals who are graduate students and ALLA members at the time of submission (including ABDs). To participate in the competition, please send a pdf version of your paper and a cover letter with the paper title, the author’s name and affiliation. Papers should be no more than 5000 words (20 double-spaced pages) in length. Paper submissions will be read by a committee of ALLA members. The winner will receive a cash award of $350 and the honorable mention will receive a cash award of $150. Both will be announced at the ALLA business meeting at the annual conference of the American Anthropological Association, as well as in Anthropology News, on the ALLA website and social media. Please send to: Ámbar Reyes ambarr@mit.edu, Lupe Flores Lupe.flores@rice.edu, Miguel Díaz-Barriga mdiazbar@richmond.edu

Junior Faculty Outstanding Scholarship and Engagement Award 

The submission deadline is August 1, 2024

The Association of Latina/o & Latinx Anthropologists (ALLA) invites submissions for the Junior Scholarship and Engagement Award. This Award is given to Junior Scholars whose scholarship, and public engagement addresses relevant and timely issues in Latinx communities. The nominee will have completed their Ph.D. within the last 5 years and must be nominated by a tenured senior scholar and/or a member of ALLA for at least five years. The nominee needs to submit the following materials: (1) A page-long statement addressing how their work contributes to the field of Latinx Anthropology along with examples of public engagement, and (2) a current CV. The winner will receive a $500 cash award, and a plaque during the annual ALLA business meeting, and will be announced in Anthropology News, the ALLA website, and social media. Nomination letters and materials are to be sent to Julie Torres jtorre14@uccs.edu, Almita Miranda aamiranda@wisc.edu