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ALLA By-laws as of June 1, 2011

Download Copy: ALLA Bylaws June 2011

Bylaws of the
Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists
June 1, 2011
A Section of the American Anthropological Association 


Inherent in the philosophy of the Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists (hereinafter called the “Association”) is the recognition of Latino contributions to anthropological knowledge and its application.

The Association is organized to provide educational services and activities in furtherance of its goals to:

  1. stimulate dialogue and affect the nature of academic discourse regarding Latino community realities;
  2. encourage respect for indigenous and insider views on research;
  3. develop enriched learning environments which are as inclusive as possible by inviting participation of Latinos and Non-Latinos, students and scholars, anthropologists and non-anthropologists, researchers, applied researchers, a practitioners;
  4. provide access to information about Latino anthropology, which is defined as anthropology practiced within, and about, Latino communities in the U.S.;
  5. form affiliations and coalitions with other professional groups with similar interests.
  6. encourage and facilitate the participation of Latinas/os anthropologists in the governance and administration of the American Anthropological Association.


The Association shall be known as the Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologist (ALLA).


The purposes of the Association are:

  1. To create a community of scholars who support the goals and activities of the Association;
  2. To promote the acquisition, refinement, dissemination, and application of anthropological knowledge of U.S. Latino populations through research, educational seminars and programs, exploration and critical issues and themes, and special publications.

To foster pluralism and diversity and comparative perspective in the discipline through recruitment professional development, and support (including scholarships and mentoring) for Latina-Latino anthropologists;

  1. To protect and support Latino communities, to value Latinos as participants in the research process, and as creative beings in the application of research through advocacy for insider interpretations, use of ethical principles and practices that protect human subjects, and to provide support for ideological critiques of research;
  2. To encourage alternative paradigms and the use of comparative perspectives in the discipline.
  3.  To foster the career development and participation of Latina/o anthropologists in academic and non-academic settings, including the administration and governance of the American Anthropological Association.


  1. The Association shall be autonomous in all matters relating to its membership that are not reserved by the Bylaws of the American Anthropological Association, are inimical to the interest of the American Anthropological Association or prohibited by law.
  2. The Association shall have an elected President, President-elect, a Secretary/Treasurer, and other elected or appointed officers as set forth in these Bylaws.
  3. The Association is empowered to determine membership dues.
  4. The Association shall determine voting requirements on all ALLA matters.
  5. The Association may engage in publishing and program activities; appoint editors, committees and other agents; and set publication and program policies appropriate to its purpose.
  6. The Association shall adopt and maintain Bylaws or rules of Procedure consistent with American Anthropological Association Bylaws. The Association shall file with the Secretary of the American Anthropological Association Secretary a copy of its current Bylaws, Rules of Procedure, and Table of Organization.

ARTICLE IV. Membership

  1. The Association shall consist of Members, Institutional Subscribers, Honorary Fellows, and Associates.
  2. Membership in the Association shall be open to any member in good standing of the American Anthropological Association who supports the above purposes, subject to payment of dues stipulated by the Executive Committee of ALLA.
  3. A member in good standing shall be eligible to participate in the scientific program, receive publications, and have one vote in nominating and electing officers, and take part in the transaction of other business of the Association.
  4. For just cause, a member may be deprived of membership by a 2/3 vote of the Executive Committee of ALLA, subject to appeal to the members at the annual meeting.
  5. Institutional Subscribers shall consist of all organizations that pay stipulated dues, as determined by the Executive committee, to the office of the Association each year, for which they are entitled to receive the regular issues of the official publications of the Association.
  6. Honorary Fellows may occasionally be designated by the Executive Committee to reward outstanding service to the Association or special achievement related to the progress of the Association.
  7. Associates are non-members invitees, participants, and supporters of ALLA sponsored activities. Associates are encouraged to participate actively at meetings, in sessions, and in all other activities. 

ARTICLE V. Officers, Executive Committee, Special Interest Groups


  1. The Association shall have:
    1. President, President-elect (Vice-President), and Secretary/Treasurer, elected by the Members;
    2.  Executive Board members, three members-at-large elected by the Members; and
    3. a Contributing Editor, appointed by the Executive Board.
  2. The President will serve for a term of two years.  The President will serve for an additional year after the two year term in office as President with the title of Past-President.  The President-elect (Vice President) will serve for a term of two years.  The Secretary/Treasurer, and the Contributing Editor each shall serve for a term of three years.
  3. The President shall be the presiding officer of the Executive Committee and shall have the powers and authorities usually vested in the President of a professional association and shall perform such other duties in the role of president as the Executive Committee may direct.
  4. The President-Elect shall act as Vice President.  In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee, and shall succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the term of the disabled or absent President.  The President-Elect will be responsible for coordinating the program committee for the AAA annual meetings.  Members of the program committee will be selected by the Executive Committee.The Secretary/Treasurer has two roles.  As Secretary, he or she shall attend all meeting of the Executive Committee and act as ex-officio Secretary.  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and a list of all members of the Association.  The Secretary shall notify candidates of their election to membership and shall send notices of the annual and of special meeting, and such other notices the Executive Committee may require to all members of the Association.  The Secretary shall, in general, have all the powers usually vested in the Secretary of a professional association and shall perform the duties of such office.  In the absence of the Secretary, his/her duties may be discharge by a Secretary pro tem to be appointed by the Executive Committee.  As Treasure, he or she, shall keep the accounts of the Association and shall collect and disburse its funds under the direction of the Executive Committee, upon request, the Treasurer shall render a written statement at any meeting of the Executive Committee showing the financial condition of the Association. The Treasurer shall keep proper books of the account showing all sums received by or due to the Association, all sums paid by or due from the Association, and its other assets and liabilities.  The books shall at all times be subject to inspection by the Executive Committee.  The Treasurer shall submit a draft budget for the approval of the Executive Committee not less than sixty (60) days before the Annual Meeting.  The Treasure shall have such power with respect to signing drafts, checks, and other instruments and incurring liabilities as the Executive Committee shall confer.
  5. The term of office of all elected officers or Executive Committee members shall commence at the end of the business meeting held at the annual meeting.


Executive Committee

  1. There shall be an Executive Committee which shall serve as the governing body of the Association.  The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the elected officers, three members-at-large board members, and the contributing editor.  One of the three members-at-large (Position #1) will be filled by a graduate student whose charge among others is to represent the specific interest of ALLA student members.  All members-at-large shall be elected for staggered terms of three years.  The members-at-large shall be elected to represent geographic, intra-ethnic Latino, or gender sectors as designated by the Executive Committee.
  2. Any vacancy among the officers of the Association or other Executive Committee positions shall be filled by appointive action of the Executive Committee for the period intervening between the time of the vacancy and the next business meeting of the Association.
  3. The Executive Committee shall report on its activities to the Members of the Association at its annual business meeting.  The report shall include the reports of the Secretary, Treasurer, Contributing Editor, Committees, and other agents representing the Association.
  4. The Executive Committee shall have responsibility for the affairs of the Association as delegated by the members.
  5. The Executive Committee shall meet on call of its Chair or any two of its members, as often as the interest of the Association may require, and shall meet at least once a year.  Four members present, one of which must either be the President or Vice-President, shall constitute a quorum.
  6. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint standing or special committees as required.
  7. The Executive Committee shall keep record of its deliberations and decisions.

Special Interest Groups or Sections

Any three members of the Association may create a special interest group or section of the Association to reflect their research or subject interests.  They are entitled to make reports at annual meetings of the Association, have such reports published in the official newsletter or other outlet as judged appropriate by the Editor of the Association; elect and appoint officers or representatives; and to assume other responsibilities and tasks consistent with the objectives of the Association.

ARTICLE VI. Nominations and Elections

  1. The election of Officers and members of the Executive Committee of the Association shall be coordinated by four members who shall be coordinated by two members who shall be appointed by the executive committee.  These two members will constitute the Nominations Committee and submit their report at the Annual meeting.
  2. Candidates for any of the offices or the membership on the Executive Committee shall be nominated as follows:Any two members may nominate a candidate for any vacancy, provided their nomination is submitted in writing to the Nominations and Election Committee.  Nominations for the coming election will be accepted at any time until the annual business meeting.  Members may also nominate candidates at ALLA’s Annual business meeting.  If necessary, the President and/or members of the Nominations Committee may solicit nominations either through meetings or electronically after the Annual business meeting.The Nominations and Elections Committee shall nominate at least two persons for each vacancy.  This Committee shall submit the information to Officers at the AAA.However nominated, no member shall be accepted as a nominee to any vacancy unless a written statement is presented by the nominee to the Nominations Committee indicating a willingness and ability to devote such time to the affairs of the Association as is necessary to the effective execution of the office. In order to run for a position, candidates will submit the required documentation to the Nominations Committee.
  3. The AAA will submit the ballots to the membership and report election results.
  4. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to vote for one candidate for each vacancy.  Deadline for receipt of ballots will be established by AAA Officers.  In exceptional circumstances, ALLA may run separate elections.
  5. The candidate receiving the most votes for an office shall be elected; the Executive Committee shall hold a run-off election within ninety (90) days to resolve all ties.


There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Association at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee to coincide with the AAA Annual Meeting.  The annual Meeting shall be for the purpose of transacting the business of the Association, and holding an annual conference consistent with the aims of the Association.

The place and date of the Annual Meeting shall be disclosed to Members not less than one hundred twenty (120) days in advance of the meeting.

It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to select a Program and Local Arrangements Chairs, and to work with them in planning the Annual Meeting.


A quorum for a business meeting shall consist of five percent of the membership in good standing.

Four members present shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee meeting.

The business of the Association at the annual business meeting shall be transacted by a majority vote unless otherwise provided in the Bylaws.

ARTICLE IX. Finances

  1. The fiscal year of the ALLA shall be that of the American Anthropological Association.
  2. The Association shall submit an annual operations budget to the Board of Directors of the American Anthropological Association, which, when approved, shall govern ALLA activities.
  3. The income from annual dues and from investments and other sources shall constitute a working fund, available for operating, publishing, and current expenses consistent with the purposes of the ALLA.
  4. No financial obligation in excess of funds available in the treasury shall be assumed by the Executive Committee of the Association or by any officer on behalf of the Association except that for the purpose of this section, estimated receipts from annual dues and other accounts receivable for the current year may be considered as available funds.
  5. The association may establish special funds to be administered by the American Anthropological Association for the purposes the ALLA may designate.

ARTICLE X. Amendment

  1. These bylaws may be amended by the members by mail ballot or electronic ballot, provided that a proposed amendment is approved by two-thirds of the votes cast.
  2. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Committee of the ALLA or by five (5) percent of the members in good standing, whichever is greater.  The Executive Committee shall have the proposed amendment circulated to the Members, and it shall allow thirty (30) days for the return of ballots.
  3. The amendments and provisions of these Bylaws shall be effective immediately upon adoption and shall supersede and nullify all previous amendments and provisions.  Proposed amendments will be voted at the time of elections.

ARTICLE XI. Referenda

The referendum may be conducted by mail ballot, electronic mail, or any other means of electronic transmission at any time upon initiation of the Executive Committee of the ALLA, or upon receipt by the Secretary and Treasurer of a petition signed by ten members or five (5) percent of the members in good standing whichever is less.


The fees for members and Institutional Subscribers shall be set by the Executive Committee.

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