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2011 Annual Business Meeting Minutes

Friday, November 18, 2011

ALLA Business Meeting (Approx. 21 ppl. in attendance)


Draft of Minutes prepared by Carlos R. Martinez

President Manuel Diaz Barriga called the meeting to order. He mentioned this year’s successes for ALLA (book award, new bylaws, passed resolution on immigration issue, organized various panels for conference, & new website).


Discussion ensues on leadership participation in ALLA. How Sujey Vega & Michael Montoya developed the website. Christian Zlolniski coordinated the book award committee.


Michael Montoya provides an overview of the new website. (Sujey Vega was not present but Miguel asked that she be recognized for her efforts in developing the website. Overview included: images, announcements, news, minutes, annual report, etc.) Mariela Nuñez & Ana Aparicio are working on collecting the history of ALLA.


Luis Plascencia explains that Anthro News articles can be linked to the ALLA webpage, but there is some difficulty with the In Focus articles being copyrighted, therefore if an ALLA member writes an In Focus article we would need their permission before posting it to the website.


Possibilites for developing the “Resources” tab of the webpage include: jobs, postdocs and recently graduated students.   Currently, Michael & Sujey are developing an efficient way for members to send them this information to be posted on the website.


Miguel introduces topic of resolutions. Last year’s resolution focused on immigration (by Luis P.). Luis discusses resolution – how to expand beyond ALLA, to AAA in general. With AAA Board? One of the units below that, or the staff? Exploration on this topic continues. Mariela is currently drafting a resolution on the Dream Act. Miguel would like a draft on the website for comment.


Miguel moves to topic of officers, encouraging everyone to stay… Candidates for President-Elect are needed. Ana Aparicio had previously agreed, but at least 2 candidates are required. Michael Montoya agrees to run as well.   Board member-at-large nominations follow.   Miguel nominates Gilberto Rosas, it is seconded. Ernesto Colín of LMU agrees to run as well. Maria(?) Acosta is nominated as well. For Book Award Committee, Anna Ochoa O’Leary is nominated, as was Jim Taggart, Ramona Tenorio (chair), and Arlene Torres. For the student dissertation award, only one nomination was received, but it was submitted by an assistant professor and therefore didn’t qualify.


Next Topic: Student Prize, discussion ensues on whether it should be continued… Miguel comments that the Student Paper Prize is an essential part of how ALLA engages with the scholarly community. Possible to have students submit papers presented at ALLA in November be submitted for Prize consideration in December. The downside is that the prize wouldn’t be awarded until the following November. It comes with a $250 cash prize. Anthropology News is another option in which the graduate student prizewinner could provide a summary of their work…. The website is another option for a longer summary…


Pat Zavella (?) proposes that a letter be written to the department of the the Student Paper prizewinner requesting that they co-sponsor the student (AAA registration?) with additional funds from their institution.


Chris Milk was added to the Grad Student Paper Prize selection committee, as was Jonathan Rosa. Arlene Torres is chair of the student prize.


Book Award presentation by Chris Z. Winner: Luz Maria Gordillo for “Mexican Women and the Other Side of Immigration: Engendering Transnational Ties” UTexas Press 2010. Arlene presents the honorable mention award: Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, “Labor and Legality: An Ethnography of a Mexican Immigrant Network”, Oxford U. Press 2011.


Miguel introduces Rocio M. as program chair for next year. Ideas for panels/presentations – see Rocio. Deadline for Presidential Sessions (?) is typically first week of January. Possibly 4 co-sponsored sessions next year… Pitch Innovent for next year? With (Dream Act) Dreamers? Innovents do not count against participation in AAA meeting.


ALLA funded 2 activists working with Dream Act, Janelle Robles & Felipe Vargas, to present their work at AAA 2011.


Miguel on Public Outreach: last year, immigration was proposed. Immigration, Community, & Health are the 3 public outreach topics being considered for next year (discussed at President’s meeting). Jonathan Rosas: Council for Human Rights & Society for Linguistic Anthropology joint task force on language and social justice issues would like to collaborate with ALLA to support immigration as the next focus of the public outreach effort. Miguel nominates Luis P. to work with Jonathan on drafting a public outreach proposal. Enthusiastic vote approves nomination!


End of Business!


Announcements follow regarding job openings, postdocs, etc.

Luis mentions possibility of fellowship for 1-2 community college students considering an Anthropology degree and transferring to a 4 year program… Vote passes that there is support for this fellowship.


UC Irvine has 3 current job openings.

UT Arlington has 1 job opening.

CUNY has openings (See Arlene T.)

ASU – under Carlos Velez Ibañez – Comparative Border Studies fellowship


*** Put a link to Arlene’s office on the website


Ana Christina Ramirez of C.N.A.S.E. announced a conference in Morelia, MX. Sept. 26-28th, 2012. More info at: http://www.congresoantropologia10.com/

Seeking symposia of 4-8 panelists (no individual papers accepted).


Arlene T. proposes that faculty members support 1 student each for ALLA membership.


Margaret Dorsey of UTPA on digital video archives @ border studies. Contact her if you’d like to share your fieldnotes, realia, etc.